Doesn’t Get More Casual Than This

Intermission Beer Company enjoys us setting up in a field next to the brewery. The crowd displays unusual interest–I’m guessing because it seems so incongruous to see telescopes being set up in a party atmosphere.

The sky prediction was iffy, but we showed anyway, and we had great luck-the skies cleared, just as it got dark. Saturn rose in the East, and even though it was low, the rings, as usual, wowed the crowd. It’s a good thing, too, becuase we didn’t exactly have a dark sky, being smack dab in the middle of the resaurants around Virginia Center Commons.

Intermission has a nice outdoor sitting area, and we set up telescopes right on the edge, where we have a pretty good view of the southern horizon. We appear at Intermission about 3-4 times per year, so if you want a laid back experience, come have a beer and enjoy the show sometime.