A Gallery of Astronomical Images by RAS Members and Friends
The Horsehead Nebula, by Dwight Talley
Imaging in a very narrow wavelength of light emitted by excited hydrogen atoms allows capture of exceptional detail in this image of the Horsehead and Flame Nebulae. Image details: 15 x 20 minute subs. AT65EDQ scope with a QSI 660 camera. Stacked in PixInsight, processed in Photoshop and Lightroom.
Orion rising over Belmead, by Tyler Hutchison
A wide field image captured on December 29, 2016 showing the winter constellation Orion rising over the tree line at Belmead.
ISS, by Crystal Gabriel
Pass of the ISS captured near sunrise on December 31, 2016 with the Expedition 50 crew of five astronauts on board traveling in an orbit about 250 miles above Earth’s surface.
Reflection Nebula M78, by Madhup Rathi
M78, in the center of this image, covers an area north of Orion’s belt. At a distance of about 1,500 light-years, the bluish nebula itself is about 5 light-years across. Its blue tint is due to dust reflecting the blue light of hot, young stars in the region. (14 luminance images at 30 minutes & 6 images each of RGB color of 20 minutes each.)…
Rosette Nebula, by Dwight Talley
The Rosette Nebula imaged in hydrogen alpha and oxygen III light by Dwight Talley. 15 x 20 minutes Ha, 15 x 20 minutes OIII, AT65EDQ and QSI 660 camera, processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop. More at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosette_Nebula
M33 Triangulum, by Mearl Balmer
The Triangulum Galaxy, M33, imaged by Mearl Balmer from James River State Park. More at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangulum_Galaxy
Milky Way, by Bill Dickinson
The Milky Way captured by Bill Dickinson from Belmead with RAS observers below. Sometimes a picture really captures a moment. Bill captured the feel of observing under a dark sky in this spectacular image.
Double Cluster, by Bryan Hartley
The Double Cluster in the constellation Perseus by Bryan Hartley, captured at Belmead. The Double Cluster is a beautiful and easy-to-find pair of objects using a telescope or binoculars. It appears as a faint haze to the unaided eye in a dark sky not far from the “W” of the constellation Cassiopeia.
M27 Dumbbell, by John Raymond
View through an image intensifier of the Dumbbell Nebula, M27, by John Raymond. Click on the image to see a video version. This was captured from a live view through the image intensifier using a handheld camera.
Serpentine Ridge on Moon, by Randy Tatum
Serpentine ridge on the moon captured and assembled as a composite by Randy Tatum.