RAS Board Meeting May 18, 2009
- Jim Browder, President
- Gary Cowardin, Vice President
- Jim Blowers, Treasurer
- John Barnett, Observatory Director
- Preston Kirby
Notes from previous meeting accepted.
Treasurer’s report (presented by Jim Blowers):
Balance Summary:
66 members, drop from 73 last year for Astronomical League role.
- General Fund: $7,460.89
- Observatory Fund: $236.25
- TOTAL: $7,697.14
- Checking Account: $2,725.44
- Savings Account: $2,855.79
- Certificate of Deposit: $2,115.91
- Pay Pal Acct: 0.00
- TOTAL: $7,697.14
Treasurer’s report approved by board.
Observatory Director’s Report (presented by John Barnett):
- John replaced clock.
- Observatory has acquired an artificial star for collimating telescopes. May be used by members to collimate their personal scopes. Will have it deployed at next observatory open house for members to test their scopes and it will be available after that time upon request from John Barnett.
- Dick Ryan and Bill Jeffries did the last lawn mower duty. Gary and Jim Petty are next up for lawn duty.
Education Report
- John Raymond appointed education outreach coordinator.
- University of Richmond / Society of Physics Students, about 150 attendees; went very well
- Caroline County – David Medici, scheduled for May 27 (John Barnett, maybe Betty Wilson have indicated that they may attend)
- Impromptu session at Goochland Scout Camp
- Brandermill request for skywatch; John Raymond to address.
Library Report
- Observed that we should specifically invite Virginia to Board meetings
Other Reports
- Virginia Solar / Lunar Convention and Imaging Conference held on April 4. Went very well; logistics good; attendance somewhat light, but very reasonable considering this is the first year.
- Astronomy Day – Thanks to Kathy Fatyga, Laura Graham, Gary Cowardin, Bill Jeffries, Dick Ryan, Joanne Baker, Jim Blowers, Phil Roberts, Neal Kinder, Prashant Reddy, Leslie Bochenski and David Hagan.
Blog entry: http://richastro.blogspot.com/
Old Business
- Discussion on meeting date – will retain second Tuesday for now.
New Business
- Update on meeting location – will continue with SMV in Eureka Theater or Planetarium
- Goochland lighting ordinance – Laura Graham following.
- Education outreach coordinator – John Raymond appointed to this position.
- Web site refresh in progress – Terry Barker preparing template; Jim Blowers and Chris McCann will test when available.
- Some problems updating web site, now functional. Observed that we need to keep Jim Blowers and Chris at a minimum in loop on updates. Consensus is that web site needs refresh.
- 60th anniversary gathering: Preston Kirby has obtained one quote – Holiday Inn near Science Museum, $35/person. Might check “The Place” at Innsbrook, Embassy Suites or Science Museum (catered); discussion around a semi-formal dinner with spouses with a speaker/slides. Consensus – tentatively suggest Thursday, October 15. Gary will provide audio visual equipment. Decorations? Mailed invitations? Preston will be on committee. Gary, John and Preston will help with local legwork. Need a speaker (Kathryn … at UVA)
- Reminder – Neil DeGrasse Tyson – Richmond Forum, November 14. Question raised as to whether we could invite him to a skywatch Friday, November 13 or maybe have a coffee with him.
- Club observing sessions at Goochland Scout Camp – would like to schedule specific dates with Tim Streagle at the Camp. Jim Browder will consult with Tim.
- Makemie Woods site available – Bill Jeffries, suggestion made to check with Bill and see if he will lead an expedition to Makemie Woods, consider doing a regular event there.
- Image display makeover; existing wooden display not acceptable for use. John Barnett will check prints; Gary will reprint on laser printer to update display.
Next Board Meeting – August 17
Meeting adjourned