February, 2009

RAS Board Meeting February 16, 2009


  • Jim Browder, President
  • Gary Cowardin, Vice President
  • Jim Blowers, Treasurer
  • Chris ~McCann, Secretary
  • John Barnett, Observatory Director
  • Preston Kirby

Treasurer’s report given by Jim Blowers. Balance Summary:

  • General Fund:      $7,347.97
  • Observatory Fund:    $301.21
  • TOTAL:             $7,649.18
  • Checking Account:  $2,679.25
  • Savings Account:   $2,854.02
  • Certificate of Deposit: $2,115.91
  • Pay Pal Acct:                0.00
  • TOTAL:                  $7,649.18

Treasurer’s report approved by board.

Jim reminded us that the RAS account will be listed under a new bank name (same bank, but new name).  Due to business mergers, Wachovia will become Wells Fargo.

Observatory Report:
John Barnett reported he has planned for a monthly open house, each occurring during the week of the 1st quarter moon.  The February open house was successfully held.  He also announced that the maintenance schedule (grass cutting, …) duties through October, 2009 have been assigned.

  • John reported that a section of the fence is falling down and allows entrance into the RAS Observatory property.  He has also spoken with church officials about their fence, which is worse condition.  According to arrangements made long ago, the shopping center is responsible for repairing the fence.  John will meet with the RAS legal authority, and ask him to contact the shopping center.
  • John stated that Jason at Total Wine will turn off their back outside lights when we request it.

Education Report:
So far, we have 2 planned skywatches (besides the SMV skywatches).

  • At Disputanta, in March (more details later)
  • University of Richmond Society of Physics Students requested another skywatch since RAS’s 1st one in January was a success.  Their requested date is April 17th, which is the same as the SMV skywatch.

Old Business:
Finalized all assigned months for meeting presentations by board members:

  • Jan:  arranged for Leslie to do presentation.
  • Feb: Jim Browder
  • March:  <open>
  • April: Jim Blowers
  • May: Gary Cowardin
  • June: John Barnette
  • July: Chris ~McCann
  • August: Jeff Pike
  • September: Preston Kirby
  • October: Bill Jeffries
  • November: <open>
  • December: Christmas Party

The mailing address of the RAS is not a P O Box number, but is Jim Blower’s home address.

New Business:

  • Concerning meeting venue:  Leslie met with Karen, and RAS has the Eureka theater (or IMAX) through the next 4-5 months.  We need to keep an eye on this.
  • Jim announced that Ken Wilson had tendered his resignation from the board, due to classes on meeting nights.
  • Jim Browder will discuss with U of R personnel about making presentations during the empty months on the board presentation list.  Presently, we have opportunities is in March and November.
  • John Raymond has made a request for our sponsorship of his Virginia Solar/Lunar Convention and Imaging Conference, to be held at the boy scout camp in Maidens on April 4th.  The board voted and approved to provide $100 to John Raymond to help with coffee and refreshments.  GaryC will provide the hardware needed for RAS to display digital astronomical photos.
  • Astronomy Day is Saturday, May 2, 2009.  RAS will participate in this year’s activities, as they have in the past.  We are trying to find and select a coordinator for the activities.
  • RAS 60th anniversary:  We had a discussion about possibly having dinner & speaker(s) on October 15, 2009 at a local establishment.  We are all looking for possible resources for the celebration.  October 15 is believed to be the actual anniversary of RAS.
  • Jim Browder has been investigating a website called Café Press.  He has purchased 2 coffee mugs that have our RAS symbols on it.  Considering the idea of using those or other customized items, the board passed a motion to allow Jim to spend $100 to purchase customized-for-RAS items.  These items can be used as gifts for speakers.  Using Gary’s suggestion, he is going to look and see if they have red flashlights.
  • 501(c)(3) – Jim Blowers and Jim Browder will review requirements to see if anything needs to be filed this year and what exemptions apply.

Next Board meeting will be Monday, May 18th, 2009 at Extra Billy’s at 7pm.  If you want to come early for dinner, come by at 6pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:43pm.