ISS pass Fri. night (July 10), 9:10 pm

If you missed last night’s (yes, it was visible, despite the clouds), here’s another chance. It’s later tonight, so we might have a better chance of seeing the Russian space craft, too.

-1.5 magnitue, traveling from the WSW to NE direction, it will get 37 degrees high.

There’s a Russian space ship following it, Progress 33. You might be able to see it, as it’s following the ISS closely, preparing for a dock on July 12. If you go to this post on CloudyNights (, you’ll see an amazing photo of both spacecraft, taken by a guy with a 10 inch scope.

2 thoughts on “ISS pass Fri. night (July 10), 9:10 pm”

  1. I went out to look for the International Space Station and found it going just below the bowl of the Big Dipper. I could not find Progress 33, however. The 10-inch guy’s photograph seems to show that the ISS is about 4 times brighter than Progress 33, so that Progress 33 is about magnitude 0, as bright as Arcturus, but I could not find it. Maybe Progress 33 was not reflecting the Sun. I notice that Heavens Above shows the magnitude as ?.? .

    I did find out that Iridium 7 will flare at us tomorrow night at 22:51:50 at magnitude -7, but I don’t know if the weather will be good for it.

  2. I saw it, too, but ditto on Progress 33. It was a glorious site, very bright in the beautiful clear sky. I called my son in law at Nags Head, and we both watched it at the same time, along with my daughter and four of my grandchildren.

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