November 2016 Meeting Minutes

Richmond Astronomical Society

806th Consecutive Meeting

November 8, 2016


Greetings – approximately 34 in attendance at the meeting.

Jim Browder called our meeting to order in the Eureka meeting room


Announcements / Share Table


Thanks to Michael Pitchford for donating the shelves for our Belmead facility


Belmead update


Welcome Visitors:

  • David Wootton
  • Ruth Wootton


Library Report:


2017 Board of Directors Election


Events and Individual Observing:

RAS members

SMV skywatch

East Coast Star Party

Staunton River Star Party



Upcoming Events:

Science Museum of Virginia Skywatch: No skywatch at the Science Museum in November due to a conflicting event.


Robert Krulwich, host of NPR’s award-winning Radiolab show, will appear at the University of Richmond courtesy of the Modlin Center for the Ms in the Camp Center Hall on November 16, 7:30 PM, presenting “Inside Science. RAS members interested in attending may use a special promo code to purchase tickets and receive a 15% discount. The promo code is “rvaastro” and can be used online at the link below:

or by calling the box office at (800) 289-8980. If any members are interested in staffing an RAS information table at the event, please contact right away.


James River State Park Skywatch, November 19, 6:00 — 8:00 PM,

James River State Park, Gladstone, VA:

Join RAS astronomers for an evening skywatch with Park interpreters. Please contact John Raymond at  if you can bring a telescope. Information about the park is at


RAS Board of Directors Meeting, Monday, November 28, Extra Billy’s (Broad St. location), 7:00 PM: The 2016 and 2017 RAS Board of Directors will meet at Extra Billy’s. The meeting will start at 7:00; reservations will be made for 6:00 PM for those that wish to eat dinner.


Powhatan County Library Starry Night Skywatch, December 1, 6:00 PM:

RAS astronomers and a Science Museum educator will provide a Starry Night themed event at Powhatan County Library.  The parking area will be blocked off for telescope deployment after 5:00 PM.  Please contact Jim Browder at if you can bring a telescope. Information about the library is at


Powhatan State Park Skywatch, Saturday, December 3, 6:00 PM: Please join us at the trail head parking area for a skywatch under the dark skies of Powhatan. Once you enter the park drive to the end of the state road maintenance and turn left into the trail head parking area. A Google map to the skywatch location is at


Travelogue: ‘Aurora viewing from the Northern Regions,” Ken Wilson




Presentation: “The Great American Eclipse — August 2017,” Ken Wilson