Richmond Astronomical Society
724th Consecutive Meeting
January 12, 2010
Jim Browder called our meeting to order, in the IMAX Planetarium.
Greeting & Announcements – approximately 43 in attendance at the meeting.
The RAS blog and newsletter have been updated. There is a link to the blog on the RAS webpage.
Share table:
Terry Barker brought a 2010 Guy Ottewell Astronomical Calendar for people to look at. He stated he bought it for a couple of dollars through a book club.
Chris McCann also brought one, along with a copy of the RASC Oberver’s Handbook
John Barnette had several items of Mars information, related to his presentation later in the meeting.
Ken Wilson brought a get well card for us to sign for Jane Hastings, who took a bad fall over the Holidays.
RAS members can purchase the Ottewell Astronomical Calendar through a special website, , or call 800-533-5083.�
It claims the sale price of $19.95 expires on December 31, 2009, but still displays it. Give it a try. If not, the regular price is $26.95.
Past Events:
Last month’s skywatch was ‘snowed’ out. That doesn’t happen too often around here!!
Individual observing included the viewing of the Orion and Mars.
The 60th Anniversary dinner in December had a good turnout. There were a few comments about how good the speaker was. The speaker was Jim Condon from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
Upcoming Events:
Annual dues are due and should be given to Jim Blowers. Membership is $30. Observatory memberships and magazine subscriptions increase the amount.
Payment can be made by PayPal at
See observatory report about an open house for January.
John Raymond is planning a skywatch at the Petersburg Battlefield and at the BonAir residence center. More information will be coming soon and should be on this website and through mass emails. Please let John know if you can help.
January’s skywatch is Friday, January 15.
Astronomical League report (
Due to multiple laptop and screen issues, the planned Web site demo was postponed until after the break. It was then postponed again until the February meeting, due to shortness of time after resolving the laptop connection issues.