Richmond Astronomical Society
717th Consecutive Meeting
June 9, 2009
Jim Browder called our meeting to order, in the Eureka Room.
Greeting & Announcements – approximately 42 in attendance at the meeting.
Jim thanked John Raymond for agreeing to become our Outreach Coordinator!
Share table:
There were free magazines for anyone who wants them. Extra photos were also available for anyone.
Small telescope was on display.
Observing and Events
SMV Skywatch & Livesky is Friday (June 19) at the Science Museum.
Bryan Park skywatches:
Wed August 26 (Rain date is Mon August 31)
Thurs September 24 (Rain date is Mon September 28)
Thurs October 22 (Rain date is Mon October 26)
Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson will be the opening speaker of the 2009-2010 season for the Richmond Forum, on November 14, 2009. For more information, go to
The Cafe Press Shop is functional. Check it out and and let us know what items you would like to add.
VAAS 2009 will be on Saturday, September 12, starting at 9am at National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) auditorium, 520 Edgemont Road in Charlottesville.
Observatory Report
Another open house is being planned around the next 1st-quarter moon, weather permitting. John Barnett will notify the list server when plans are more solid.
Grass cutting is going well.
Library Report
Virginia Eckert placed a few books on display. Remember that only members may check out books.
Short Talk:
John Raymond discussed the “East Coast Star Party Recap” in Coinjock, NC.
Presentation: “The Southern Sky”
Presenter – John Barnett
This was a power point presentation that featured astrophotos taken by John in the Blue Mts of Australia in March, 2009. These photos showed the sky as never seen from Virginia and included images of the famous “Southern Cross”, The “Coal Sack”, The Magellanic Clouds, Alpha Centaurii (the nearest star), and the full, upside -down moon (as seen from the Southern hemisphere). Familiar constellations like Leo were almost unrecognizable in the upside-down sky views. Strange to see Orion standing on his head!
Also shown were iconic photos of the Sydney Opera theater, Ayer’s Rock in the center of Australia and the plumes of the Rotarua volcano in New Zealand. The visits to observatories in N.Zealand and Australia were described as well.