Everything cooperated last night (Aug. 3)–the skies, the weather, and the crowd. We held this at Swift Creek Middle School, in a field in front of the school. The skies weren’t great, as we had lighting from the parking lot and an almost-full moon, to contend with.
But, we set up the club’s Stellacam with Dave Credicott’s 12 inch SCT, to look at the moon and display it on a DVD player screen–that brought plenty of attention from the crowd.
We were also treated to a nice -3 mag Iridium Flare at 9:10, and showed views of the double star Albireo, so we kept the observers busy.
We had plenty of scopes–Dave Credicott, Sue Brubaker, Ray Moody, Jim Blowers, Gary Cowardin, Terry Barker, Jim Browder, Hank Nebel, and Dave Walton, had theirs on hand–it was a very impressive display of observng power.
The crowd of about 150 was very enthusiastic, and asked a lot of good questions.
The moment of the night for me, though, was when one of the ladies went to great pains to explain to Dave Credicottt, how to see the man in the moon.
I also got a kick out of one lady asking me if I had tricked her and posted a picture of Albireo inside my scope. It just looked too good to be real.