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Some News and Updates, Observatory Events, and Astronomy Podcasts

A few updates …

The next meeting of the Richmond Astronomical Society will be on Tuesday, July 14 at the Science Museum of Virginia at 7:30 PM. Chris McCann will be presenting on “General Archaeoastronomy 101: How ancient cultures understood celestial events and how they used astronomy in their lives.” We also plan to have Terry Barker tell us about the Green Bank StarQuest by video link.

A number of us will be gathering at the Arby’s across from the Science Museum for dinner before the meeting. Please join us if you can – everyone is welcome to the meeting and the pre-meeting dinner.

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Iridium 45 Flare 2009 June 23

I went outside at 20:53 last night to see the Iridium flare. I thought an annoying cirrus cloud from the off-coast pinwheel low would get in the way, and the sky was still rather bright. But I saw it, nearly overhead, rather than at 69 degrees. It shone intensely bright (if Betelgeuse went supernova, it … Read more