Richmond Astronomical Society
719th Consecutive Meeting
August 11, 2009
Jim Browder called our meeting to order, in the Eureka Room.
Greeting & Announcements – approximately 34 in attendance at the meeting.
Share table:
There were free books and magazines donated to anyone who wants them. An agreement was made to save and donate the star atlas to Tim Streagle and his scouts.
There were also eclipse books and photos, in line with tonight’s presentation.
Observing and Events
Thanks to those who helped with the skywatch at Brandermill on August 3rd. There was a great turnout. Someone mentioned that a kid was announcing “Jupiter is here”. Jim Blowers read an appreciation letter at the meeting, and also stated that a $100 donation was made to RAS from the Brandermill Association.
There were many observers and telescopes at the Science Museum Skywatch, but was quickly clouded out.
Perseid meteor showers peaking tonight, but the weather did not cooperate.
Mini Star party at the Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation in Goochland on Friday, August 14.
RAS Board of Direstors meeting at 7pm on August 17th at Extra Billy’s. Open to all memebers. Come early at 6pm if you wish to eat, too.
SMV Skywatch & Livesky is Friday (August 21) at the Science Museum. According to Leslie, the special topic of the Livesky is Jupiter.
Bryan Park skywatches:
Wed August 26 (Rain date is Mon August 31)
Thurs September 24 (Rain date is Mon September 28)
Thurs October 22 (Rain date is Mon October 26)