John Raymond at Belmead

Observing at Belmead

Observing at Belmead on the James on September 7, 2013.  The evening was beautiful and RAS was well represented.  We were able to see considerable structure in the Milky Way.  Pictured at the left is John Raymond’s large refractor aimed at the southern sky.

Staunton River Video 2013

A short video of the Staunton River Star Party, jointly hosted by the Staunton River State Park and the Chapel Hill Astronomy CLub (CHAOS) in October 2013.  Many thanks to both the Park and CHAOS who did a great job managing the event.More information about the Staunton River State Park is here and the CHAOS group is here.To … Read more

Milky Way at Fall Picnic

Observing from Belmead on the James after the RAS Fall picnic, captured by Dan Gaitanis under a beautiful Milky Way on October 26.

John Raymond at ECSP 2013

John Raymond at the November 12, 2013 meeting showing us some pictures from the latest East Coast Star Party hosted by Kent Blackwell at Coinjock, NC.  Visitors were treated to a great view of the partial solar eclipse at sunrise on November 6.

Jerry Hubbell on RAC spectrometer

Jerry Hubbell, president of the Rappahannock Astronomy Club and Vice President of Explore Scientific, describing his design, construction and testing of a fiber-fed spectrometer at the November 12, 2013 meeting.

Russ Hummel Suited Up for Launch

Jim Browder, Russ Hummel (suited up for launch) and David Medici (expertly photobombing) pictures at Astronomy Day at the Science Musuem of Virginia in May 2014.