RAS Board Meeting February 18, 2013
President Jim Browder called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.
Attendees (10):
- Jim Browder, President
- John Raymond, Vice President
- Jim Blowers, Treasurer
- Chris McCann, Secretary
- David Medici
- Betty Wilson
- Ken Wilson
- Prashant Reddy
- Bill Newman
- Gary Cowardin
Secretary’s report given by Chris McCann
- November’s board meeting minutes were discussed, corrected, and accepted.
Treasurer’s report given by Jim Blowers
- Balance Summary (as of 11/19/2012): (as of 2/18/2013):
- General Fund: 6417.06 6588.11
- Observatory Fund: 93.09 205.23
- TOTAL: 6510.15 6793.34
- Checking Account: 1422.21 1702.55
- Savings Account: 2860.96 2861.03
- Certificate of Deposit: 2226.98 2229.76
- Pay Pal Acct: 0.00 0.00
- TOTAL: 6510.15 6793.34
At this time, there are approximately 38 paid members for 2013.
There remains 30-40 who have not renewed their dues.
After a brief discussion, the treasurer’s report was accepted by the board.
Observatory Report given by Jim Browder
- No issues
- Randy has stepped down as Observatory Director.
- John Raymond was voted into the office of Observatory Director by the board.
Education Report (Jim Browder) :
- Numerous outreach events
- Belmead (weathered out)
- Petersburg (mixup)
- Powhatan Library (“very good!”)
- Girl Scouts (successful)
- SMV (good crowd), need to continually check SMV calendar and events
- Request by Westover Hills Library for Yuri’s Night
- Invitation to the NelsonCounty Music Festival in June, 2013. Interesting and different idea. Before we even consider committing, check with Charlottesville club to see if they need help.
- StauntonRiver Star Party (March 7-10)
- Scotchtown, Brandermill, Woodlake
- Many outreach skywatches and events have occurred and continue to be scheduled at various places.
- Club flyers are needed, especially for Astronomy Day.
Library Report (made by Jim Browder)
- Virginia reported there was no change in status. There are no problems at the Richmond Alarm Company.
Other Reports:
- Receipt of secondary solar filter for PST (requested by Prashant Reddy) – tested, used, and enoyed
Old Business:
- Equipment inventory – database operational
- Need to provide assistance in developing list
- Suggestion to bring new equipment to meeting
- Discussed possible policy for Fernando (and others) to use scopes – loaner agreement needs to be finalized; does the borrower need a license? Training process needs to be established. Where would the liability be placed? What if it breaks? ? ? After finalization, an email needs to go out to membership and announced at monthly club meeting.
- Action item: John to contact and work with Dave!
- Lively discussion on equipment inventory. Definite photos!
- Discussion on some scopes’ location
- Idea raised to have a metal inventory tag – does RAC have anything like that?
New Business:
- Prashant Reddy was selected as Astronomy Day coordinator
- Astronomy Day was originally scheduled for Saturday, April 20, 2013
- SMV has already scheduled the Chesterfield Science Fair the same day for the Rotunda and the 2 side rooms.
- Should we have the regular RAS skywatch on Friday and then another on Saturday for Astronomy Day? Should we pick just one, but which one?
- Can we use the SMV activities to advertise for RAS Astronomy day for another weekend? . . Sunday? . . . October?
- What about around the Planetarium?
- Continue discussion of purchasing small telescopes for library loan (proposed by David Medici)
- Possibly limit to frequent requestors/members
- Consideration of suggestion to refurbish and/or store large Dobs at Belmead for use by Belmead organization (proposed by John Raymond)
- Keep optics, re-do structure, sell or give away old mount. Estimated cost of refurbishment is approximately $1000.
- John Raymond proposed a motion to sell the old 13-inch mirror to create funds to purchase a new 8-inch Dob, to be used predominately for outreach. Plan to sell involves advertising in house and if no bids, send to 3rd parties like Astromart. Resolution: to be discussed at next board meeting..
Next Board meeting will be Monday, May 20, 2013 at Extra Billy’s at 7pm. If you want to come early for dinner, come by at 6pm.
- Meeting was adjourned at 8:42 pm.