RAS Board Meeting – February 29, 2016
President Jim Browder called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
Attendees (11+1):
- Jim Browder, President
- Jim Blowers, Treasurer
- Chris McCann, Secretary
- Gary Cowardin
- Michael Pitchford
- Mike Lico
- Ken Wilson
- Betty Wilson
- Dave Medici
- Ted Bethune
- Madhup Rathi
- Thomas Profitt (non-board)
Missing (2):
- Matthew Roy, Vice President
- John Raymond, Observatory Director
Secretary’s report given by Chris McCann
- November’s board meeting minutes accepted after a brief discussion and a correction.
Treasurer’s report given by Jim Blowers
- Balance Summary (as of 11/16/2015): (as of 11/16/2015):
- General Fund: 67 17267.69
- Observatory Fund: 64 116.49
- TOTAL: 31 17384.18
- Checking Account: 57 12271.40
- Savings Account: 07 2249.89
- Certificate of Deposit: 67 2862.89
- Pay Pal Acct: 00 0.00
- TOTAL: 31 17384.18
After a brief discussion, the treasurer’s report was accepted by the board.
Insurance premium was higher due to a switch in the liability and general insurance policy for the observatory property.
Membership count in February: 50 paid members, including 13 observatory members.
Observatory Report (given by Jim Browder for John)
- No issues reported
- Repairs planned for 2016: repair cracking in the concrete patio; replace roof flashing; install shielding for exterior light at the hospice center.
Library Report (given by Jim Browder for Virginia)
- Virginia is doing a great job.
- No issues reported
Education / Outreach Report:
- Support requested for an SMV event on Saturday, March 5
- Presentation and skywatch for Girl Scouts (having an astronomical themed camp-in)
- Madhup is going to host a future skywatch at Tuckahoe
- Numerous upcoming star parties are on the calendar, including several at Powhatan State park.
- Planning in progress for 2016 Astronomy Day (Saturday, May 14). Matthew Roy volunteered to plan and run the event. (A lesser observed fall Astronomy Day has been set for October 8 by the Astronomical League).
Old Business
- Discussion/vote on RAS-Francis Emma MOU to support outreach/storage facility and other activities (new discussion detailed below in ‘New Business’
New Business
- Offer of assistance for social media support by RAS member (VCU physics student)
- Laura Graham working on IDA Dark Skies certification for Belmead
- Discuss mechanics to implement inclusion process
- Have an assigned sponsor contact a guest visitor
- Consider sending emails to new visitors
- Possibly researching interest of guests and members
- Creation of resource list, RAS brochure or tri-fold
- Consider possibly having special interest group meeting, for example, astro-imaging hangout (Google); Ask Brian Hartley to do a demo of the Google handout
- RAS-Francis Emma MOU to support outreach/storage facility and other activities
- MOU comment by Phil: noticed no problems; no enforcement mechanism
- If issues arise – either work it out or leave
- If we leave, we need to determine where the building goes (must remain portable)
- A trailer is needed to transport equipment to and from area sites
- Need property and liability insurance
- Decide who should be able to access equipment
- Should building be anchored or tied-down for weather purposes
- Ken suggested collecting a separate fee from members to be a Belmead user (similar to fees to be observatory users)
- Membership ID cards will be needed
- RAS will own the storage facilities and its contents
- Do we want windows (frosted or clear) or vents on the building? Recommendation to have no windows at this time and possibly add them later
- Do we want a ‘quiet’ facility or do we advertise for RAS?
- Goal is to eventually have solar lighting and power
- Recommendation to buy U-Haul padlocks for doors
- Belmead folks will be responsible to contact RAS if damaged or vandalism occurs
- Purchase is roughly $5100 ($500 due upon order with balance due at delivery)
- Motion: RAS approval for Jim Browder to sign MOU, with Ken’s amendment to make a maximum of $5500 in purchases. Action: Approval by Board vote
Next Meeting Date – May 16, 2016
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.