First Astronomy Day at Crump Park

RAS decided to try something different this year, and partner with Henrico County for Astronomy Day. While the crowd was not great, everything else worked out very well, and we were able to smoothly combine astronomy activities at our demo tables with solar observing and nighttime observing, all in the same general area.

Henrico County holds a Mountainfilm Festival every year, and instead of having it inside a theater, this year they hosted it at Crump Park, in an open field. They set up an inflatable screen for the film, and we were able to set up on the opposite side of the field, so attendees, could walk around without leaving the film event. The weather and sky cooperated, with a daytime temperature of 80 (almost too hot), and a First Quarter Moon illuminating the sky overhead. That made the sky pretty bright, but we had great viewing of the Moon and Saturn, with mediocre views of the Ring Nebula and some double stars.

Thanks to Peter Tlusty, Jim Browder, Joe Racette, and Jeff Prideaux for helping with the demos and bringing telescopes for the solar and nighttime viewing.