Richmond Astronomical Society
796th Consecutive Meeting
January 12, 2016
Greetings – approximately 25 in attendance at the meeting.
Jim Browder called our meeting to order in the Eureka meeting room
Announcements/Share Table
Astronomical League Youth Award (see for more information):
Youth imaging award — deadline March 31, 2016
National Young Astronomer Award — deadline January31, 2016
• James River State Park — Dark Sky Park efforts: We received an inquiry regarding efforts to obtain Dark Sky Park status for James River State Park. If you are interested in working on this project, please contact
• Telescopes for sale: Members and friends of RAS have a few teiescopes or sale. More detail at hftp:uirichastro.orgfindex.p’np/maiflngi.
Library Report:
• Stars – 150 Paintings in Colors – Herbert Zim, 1956
• Skyguide – A Field Guide for Amateur Astronomers – Mark Chartrand III, 1982
• Whitney’s Star Finder – Charles A Whitney, 1981
• Secrets of Star Gazing – Beck Ramotowski, 2007
• Stars in the Making : Cecilian Payne-Gaposchkin, 1952
• Star Maps for Beginners – I M Levitt, 1942-1946
Welcome Visitors:
Events and Individual Observing:
RAS members
Science Museum
T. J. High School
L. L. Bean skywatch
Christmas Star at Belmead
Upcoming Events
Science Museum Skywatch, Friday, January 15, 6:30 PM: Skywatch at the Museum in conjunction with the Museum’s Science After Dark event. Please join us and bring a telescope if you can.
Powhatan State Park Skywatch, Saturday, January 16,6:00 PM: Contact John Raymond at if you can bring a telescope to this skywatch or if you have questions. A map showing the location is at https:J/
Belmead Skywatch, Saturday, January 30 (and January 29), 5:00 PM (Feel free to set up before dark): Bring your telescope, binoculars or comfortable chair for an evening under the stars. If you have a telescope you want to try out, this is a great opportunity to test it under a dark sky with astronomers on hand to help. Belmead is at 5004 Cartersville, Rd in Powhatan:
RAS Board of Directors Meeting, Monday, February 15,7:00 PM: Extra Billy’s on West Broad St. Reservations at 6:00 PM for dinner.
RAS Monthly Meeting, Tuesday, February 9, 7:30 PM: Please join us for the meeting and, if you can, for dinner before the meeting at Arby’s across the street from the Museum. We will stream video of the meeting at http:I/ustream.tvlchannel/richastro.
Upcoming Star Parties
Staunton River Star Party, March 9-13, Staunton River State Park: Registration is now open for this party in a beautiful dark sky, rural setting! Information at www.chaosastro.comlstarparty/.
Northeast Astronomy Forum, April 9-10, Suffern, NY, Rockland Community College: Premier astronomy and space expo: information at
Delmarva Stargaze XXII, May 5-8, Trap Pond State Park, near Laurel, Deiware: Hosted by the Delmarva Stargazers; information at htt p :Ilwww. del ma rvastargaze rs .org
East Coast Star Party, Coinjock, NC, date TBA: Fun and casual observing in a dark sky, coastal environment with the friendliest astronomers anywhere. For info contact Kent Blackwell at
Green Bank Star Quest, July 6-9, Green Bank, WV: Lots to do and see even if cloudy weather limits observing. Held at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, WV. Information at and on their Facebook page.
ALCon, August 10-13, Washington, DC: National convention of theAstronomical League to be hosted this year in northern Virginia by the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club. This annual convention is an excellent opportunity to meet with amateur astronomers from across the nation. Plus the convention this year is very convenient to Richmondl Information at hffps://
Almost Heaven Star Party, September 2-6, Spruce Knob, WV: At the Mountain Institute at a high altitude dark site; Break
Presentation: “Fallen Heroes of Space Flight,” Ted Bethune