RichmondAstronomical Society
740th Consecutive Meeting
May 10, 2011
Jim Browder called our meeting to order in theEurekaroom.
Greeting & Announcements – approximately 31 in attendance at the meeting.
Please check the link to our RAS blog:
Share table:
There were several items for perusal or for sale, including a few eyepieces.
There were a few free magazines and photos for anyone to look at.
Past Events:
Astronomy Day was a big success!!!!
Science Museum Skywatch
Skywatch at Woodlake
Individual observing
Upcoming Events:
The next Science Museum Skywatch/LiveSky show is May 20. Please sign-up if you are available to attend and bring a scope.
Annual dues are due and should be given to Jim Blowers. Membership is $30. Observatory memberships and magazine subscriptions increase the amount.
Payment can be made by PayPal at
Observatory Report (John Barnett)
Library Report was not given. All is good at the new library.
Short talk
May’s Presentation:
<<The next RAS meeting will be Tuesday, June 14th at the SMV.
<<The next board meeting will be Monday, May 16th at Extra Billy’s at 7:00 PM (arrive earlier for dinner). Meeting is open to all members.
<<Check out the web site at