Observatory Open House – 8:00pm Sunday, Oct. 17th

Members and guests are welcome to the Ragland Observatory’s monthly open house at 8:00 pm, Sunday evening, Oct. 17th. I’ll send out a reminder the day before on the club’s directory ( keep Jim Blowers advised if your email has changed) and on Richastro.org.  Unless it’s actually raining, a staff member will be present. Use your own judgement about the weather.      

      We’ll have a 10 day old Moon, which reveals the spectacular craters Clavius and Copernicus. Some classic binaries such as Epsilon Lyra and Alpha Hercules will be out as well. A big attraction will be Jupiter and its moons. Also, outer giants Uranus and Neptune may  be seen. Bring and share personal telescopes if you like. See the “observatory” page for directions.

A reminder: 1st observatory staff class starts at 6:30pm, prior to the open house. Contact me at  jmbart2@verizon.net   to sign up.

                                        John Barnett, Obs. Director