Many, many thanks to everyone who supported our Astronomy Day activities at the Science Museum and at our evening event at Belmead on the James in Powhatan.
I’m always afraid that I will forget someone, but I want to make sure that I call out the folks who helped. So here goes. Thanks to the following:
- Leslie Bochenski for event coordination with the Science Museum, starlab programs and “The City Dark” movie arrangements
- Prashant Reddy for coordination of our volunteers and supplies and for staffing the information table
- Terry Barker for visitor greeting and skymap orientation
- Jim Blowers for rocket launch support
- Gary Cowardin for the video astronomy display
- Laura Graham for her presentation on dark sky preservation at Belmead
- Laura Greenleaf for the dark sky display and her enthusiasm
- Russ Hummel for being the ever popular roaming astronaut
- Sydney and Mark Mabry for displaying Sydney’s great telescope and science project
- Phil Roberts for lending us his fantastic meteorite specimen
- Dan Salkovitz for rocket launch support and Belmead standby support
- Tim Streagle for visitor greeting and for being RAS ambassador
- Bill Jeffries, Ken Wilson and Dave Walton for being on standby for telescope viewing
- The SMV volunteers for help with the solar system display and Starlab
Once again, all the help was very much appreciated. We have a great team of astronomers!
Best regards and thanks again,
Jim Browder
Richmond Astronomical Society