Thanks for a Great Astronomy Day!


Many, many thanks to everyone who supported our Astronomy Day activities at the Science Museum and at our evening event at Belmead on the James in Powhatan.

I’m always afraid that I will forget someone, but I want to make sure that I call out the folks who helped.  So here goes.  Thanks to the following:

  • Leslie Bochenski for event coordination with the Science Museum, starlab programs and “The City Dark” movie arrangements
  • Prashant Reddy for coordination of our volunteers and supplies and for staffing the information table
  • Terry Barker for visitor greeting and skymap orientation
  • Jim Blowers for rocket launch support
  • Gary Cowardin for the video astronomy display
  • Laura Graham for her presentation on dark sky preservation at Belmead
  • Laura Greenleaf for the dark sky display and her enthusiasm
  • Russ Hummel for being the ever popular roaming astronaut
  • Sydney and Mark Mabry for displaying Sydney’s great telescope and science project
  • Phil Roberts for lending us his fantastic meteorite specimen
  • Dan Salkovitz for rocket launch support and Belmead standby support
  • Tim Streagle for visitor greeting and for being RAS ambassador
  • Bill Jeffries, Ken Wilson and Dave Walton for being on standby for telescope viewing
  • The SMV volunteers for help with the solar system display and Starlab

Once again, all the help was very much appreciated.  We have a great team of astronomers!

Best regards and thanks again,

Jim Browder
Richmond Astronomical Society