The Perseid Meteor Shower starts Aug. 11 (the night of our next RAS meeting).
Terry Barker
Brandermill Skywatch and Upcoming Events
Brandermill Skywatch: What a great skywatch we had at Brandermill on Monday night! Many thanks to John Raymond for coordinating the event with Jennifer Strader of the Brandermill Community Association and to Terry Barker, Jim Blowers, Sue Brubaker, Gary Cowardin, Dave Credicott, Ray Moody, Hank Nebel and Dave Walton for bringing telescopes and their expertise … Read more
Skywatch report, Brandermill
Everything cooperated last night (Aug. 3)–the skies, the weather, and the crowd.
Skywatch report–James River State Park
This took place Saturday night, July 25. The park is near Gladstone, VA, so it’s quite a hike from Richmond. 85 miles, in fact.
Stargazing at Radford
I was at Radford, Virginia at SUUSI on 2009 July 23. One of the things I did at SUUSI was “Stargazing”, where we went to a site near Mountain Lake.
ISS pass tonight (July 28), 8:40 pm
ISS pass tonight, 8:40 pm (July 28),. -2.5 magnitude, 46 degrees high, traveling from NW to SE.
ISS pass tonight, 9:02 pm (July 25)
-2.4 magnitude, 40 degrees high, traveling from the NW to the NE. The crescent moon will also be near Saturn tonight.
July Meeting, VAAS and Some Solar Observing
July Meeting: At the July meeting, we heard a re-cap of the Green Bank Star Quest from Terry Barker. Several RAS members attended and, from all reports, enjoyed the event. This star party has been held for the past six years at the National Radio Observatory in Green Bank, WV. The event is sponsored by … Read more
Ladies and Gentlemen, start your webcams!
If you haven’t heard, something has hit Jupiter and left a dark spot in the upper cloud layers of the planet. The impact apparently occurred several days ago and the resulting spot is reportedly still visible through moderate size telescopes and would make a great webcam target for the imagers in our group. More information … Read more
Tesla lecture
This was a Lunch Break Science event at the Science Museum. The talk was given by the Byrd Theatre’s Todd Schall-Vess. He gave an excellent overview of Nikola Tesla’s contribution to science, and also the gut wrenching details of how he was cheated out of large amounts of money several times in his life.