Next meeting

The next meeting of the Richmond Astronomical Society will be held at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, September 14 at the Science Museum of Virginia in the Eureka Theater.  Jeff Pike will be presenting on “Dark Flow.” Thanks to Randy Tatum for this recent image of Jupiter showing the great red spot and diminished southern equatorial … Read more

April and May meetings

Richmond Astronomical Society
715th Consecutive Meeting
April 14, 2009
Jim Browder called our meeting to order, in the IMAX Planetarium.
Greeting & Announcements – approximately 23 in attendance at the meeting.
First order of business: Astronomy Day will be Saturday, May 2 at the Science Museum. A listing of probable activities was reviewed for that day includes solar observing through telescopes, making sundials, dark sky information, CCD imaging, mirror grinding exhibit, the always popular soda bottle rocket launch, followed up by an evening skywatch (weather permitting).

Share table:

  • John Raymond had eyepieces for sale. He also had a set of large binoculars and its stand for $500.
  • Tim Streagle used his laptop to display a red screensaver named Dark Adapted. DarkAdapted is an application program, free for downloading from , “controls the amount of red, green, and blue in your screen gamma so that you may . . .preserve your dark adaptation while using your computer.”
  • Jim Blowers displayed maps that had a night view of the world, showing lighted areas.
  • Someone (excuse me for missing your name) put a gift certificate/coupon for a free eye exam.

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